Meet Our Core Staff: Nathan Hodgson, PhD

I have taken a circuitous route to become the manager of the behavior side of the Animal Behavior and Physiology Core. Throughout my undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate studies I have been more of a biochemist than a behavioral neuroscientist. Earlier in my career I studied redox metabolism and signaling in the brain which brought me to the Hensch Lab and BCH. Here working with Nick Andrews I became a regular user of the Core, then the Neurodevelopmental Behavior Core. During my Post-Doc I had the pleasure of working with Nick and when he moved on to start a similar core at the Salk institute I jumped at the chance to try and fill his shoes.

In my spare time, now limited with a three-year-old daughter at home, I enjoy the peace and tranquility of flyfishing. I recently took a trip to the Algnak river in Alaska with my father to fish for salmon. Of the five species of Pacific salmon we caught King (Chinook), Silver (Coho), Chum, and Sockeye only missing the Pinks. We were not alone in trying to catch the salmon, many bears also worked the river preparing for the long Alaskan winter by getting fat on the abundant salmon.