Susan Faja, PhD
Research Associate, Boston Children's Hospital; Assistant Professor of Pediatrics; Assistant Professor of Psychology, Harvard Medical School
A preliminary randomized, controlled trial of executive function training for children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism.
Faja, S., Clarkson, T. Gilbert, R., Vaidyanathan, A. Greco, G. Rueda, M. R., Combita, L. M., Driscoll, K.
Autism. 2021 Sep 2; PMID: 34474598
The effects of face expertise training on the behavioral performance and brain activity of adults with high functioning autism spectrum disorders.
Faja, S., Webb, S. J., Jones, E., Merkle, K., Kamara, D., Bavaro, J., Aylward, E., & Dawson, G.
J Autism Dev Disord . 2012 Feb;42(2):278-93; PMCID: PMC3707515
Early behavioral intervention is associated with normalized brain activity in young children with autism.
Dawson, G., Jones, E., Merkle, K., Venema, K., Lowy, R., Faja, S., Kamara, D., Murias, M., Greenson, J., Winters, J., Smith, M., Rogers, S., & Webb, S. J.
J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry . 2012 Nov;51(11):1150-9; PMCID: PMC3607427
Reward-based decision making and electrodermal responding by young children with autism spectrum disorders during a gambling task.
Faja, S., Murias, M., Beauchaine, T. P., & Dawson, G.
Autism Res . 2013 Dec;6(6):494-505. PMCID: PMC4104611
Autism and Adult Sex Education: A Literature Review Using the Information–Motivation–Behavioral Skills Framework.
Solomon, D., Pantalone, D. W. & Faja, S.
Sex Disabil . 2019 Sep;37(3):339-351; PMCID: PMC7728167