Dong (a.k.a. Don) Kong, PhD, PhD
Research Associate in Pediatrics, Boston Children’s Hospital Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School Affiliated Faculty, F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center, Boston Children’s Hospital Associate Member, The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
GABAergic RIP-Cre Neurons in the Arcuate Nucleus Selectively Regulate Energy Expenditure.
Kong D, Tong QC, Ye C, Koda S, Fuller PM, Krashes M, Vong L, Ray R, Olson D, Lowell BB.
Cell. 2012, 151(3): 645- 657. PMCID: PMC3500616
Fasting Activation of AgRP Neurons Requires NMDA Receptors and Involves Spinogenesis and Increased Excitatory Tone.
Liu T, Kong D*, Shah BP, Ye C, Koda S, Saunders A, Ding JB, Yang Z, Sabatini BL, Lowell BB. (* Co-first author)
Neuron. 2012, 73(3): 511-22. PMCID: PMC3278709
A Postsynaptic AMPK→p21-Activated Kinase Pathway Drives Fasting-Induced Synaptic Plasticity in AgRP Neurons.
Kong D*, Dagon Y, Campbell JN, Guo Y, Yang Z, Kahn BB, Sabatini BL, Lowell BB. (*First and Co-corresponding author)
Neuron. 2016, 91(1) 25-33. PMCID: PMC4938763
Genetic identification of leptin neural circuits in energy and glucose homeostases.
Xu J*, Bartolome CL*, Low CS, Yi X, Chien CH, Wang P, Kong D. (Corresponding author)
Nature. 2018, 556(7702) 505-509 PMCID: PMC5920723
Chemosensory modulation of neural circuits for sodium appetite.
Lee S, Augustine V, Zhao Y, Ebisu H, Ho B, Kong D, Oka Y.
Nature. 2019, 568(7750): 93-97. PMCID: PMC7122814