February, 2025

Flexible DNA/RNA high-throughput Nanopore Sequencing Now Available

Full-service option of the Nanopore PromethION 24 Now Available at the Gene Analysis and Editing Core/Molecular Genetics Core

The GAEC now offers rapid, long-read sequencing for a broad range of ‘omics applications.  PromethION 24 sequencing projects include Whole Genome/Transcriptome Sequencing that can:

  • Capture native DNA and RNA Methylation information
  • Sequence ultra-long DNA reads up to 3 MB and ultra-long RNA reads greater than 10 KB
  • Identify twice as many Structural Variants as short-read WGS options
  • Assemble highly contiguous genomes
  • Phase heterozygous alleles without parental information
  • Provide Rapid Turn-Around Times within a week
  • Clinical-Grade Sequencing Depth with 10-75 kb length DNA and >99% Basecalling Accuracy with Ligation Sequencing Kit v14 Chemistry

Our Barcoding Kits can sequence over 500 plasmid and bacteria genomes with a single flow cell enabling the identification of low-abundance subpopulations.

Do you want to discover how this new technology could help your research or are ready to drop-off a sample?  Our friendly no-pressure core staff can help you either way.


Catherine Brownstein: (catherine.brownstein@childrens.harvard.edu

Nathaniel Edisis: nathaniel.edisis@childrens.harvard.edu)