Dr. Christopher Walsh Named Recipient of this Year’s Kavli Prize in Neuroscience
Congratulations to Dr. Christopher Walsh for being named one of the four recipients of this year’s Kavli Prize in Neuroscience, “for pioneering the discovery of genes underlying a range of serious brain disorders.”
Dr. Walsh is the Bullard Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology and Chief of the Division of Genetics and Genomics at Boston Children’s Hospital, a member of the IDDRC and a pediatric neurologist at HMS. Over the past 20 years, he has used human genetics to identify the genes and mechanisms that orchestrate the development of the cerebral cortex, and developed new methods for studying individual brain cells.
He has discovered more than three dozen neurological disease genes, such as the “double cortex” syndrome, and has identified genetic mutations that underlie disorders affecting the cerebral cortex and can cause structural malformations that range from subtle to profound, including some forms of epilepsy and autism spectrum disorders.