Xin Tang, PhD
Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
The role of GABAergic signalling in neurodevelopmental disorders, Nature Reviews Neuroscience
Tang, X., Sur, M., Jaenisch, R.
Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2021 May;22(5); PMID: 33772226
Pharmacological Enhancement of KCC2 Gene Expression Exerts Therapeutic Benefits on Human Rett Syndrome neurons and Mecp2 mutant mice
Tang, X., Drotar, J., Li, K., Clairmont, CD., Brumm, AS., Wu, H., Liu, XS., Wang, J., Gray, NS., Sur, M., Jaenisch, R.
Science Translational Medicine 2019, PMCID: PMC8140401
KCC2 rescues functional deficits in human neurons derived from patients with Rett syndrome
Tang X., Kim, J., Zhou, L., Wengert, E., Zhang, L., Wu, Z., Carromeu, C., Muotri, AR., Marchetto, MC., Gage, FH., Chen, G.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2016. PMCID: PMC4725523
Neuronal Chloride Transporters in Health and Disease
Tang, X. (chief editor)
Academic Press, 2020, paperback ISBN: 9780128153185, eBook ISBN: 9780128153192
Genome Editing: Applications for Disease Modeling and Cell Therapy
Tang, X.
Wiley publishing company, 2019